Our Five-Year Plan
So far we have:
*Incorporated as a nonprofit in TN,
*Formed a board (with >6 meetings/year),
*Written Bylaws & Conflict of Interest Policy,
*Applied to the IRS for 501(c)3 status,
*Registered for TN Charitable Solicitation,
*Created this “placeholder” website,
*Opened a bank account
And we plan to:
*Design the CATHARSIS logo,
*Send in quarterly financial reports,
*Continue building this website
Phase III: Form the team
*While building and remodeling continues, begin forming job descriptions
*Ideal team includes psychotherapists, psychiatrist, bodyworker(s), clergy person, café operator & staff, business manager, feng shui/cleaning lead, tech/innovation lead (including cybersecurity), development officer/grant writer (PT?), gardener (PT?)
*Determine how to select clients
*Design safety protocols
*Work out logistics for payroll & benefits
*And recruit top-quality professionals (mostly HSPs themselves) who resonate with the CATHARSIS mission & values!
Phase I: Fund the endowment
*Train our board in fundraising
*Form system to help organize donor relationship management
*Begin securing significant donations (once 501(c)3 tax-exempt status is approved)
*Half of every dollar given automatically goes into the endowment.
*Concerts with David & Laura!
*Art shows
*Levels of Giving: Visionaries ($$$$$$$), Architects ($$$$$$), Builders ($$$$$), Patrons ($$$$), Sustainers ($$$), and Friends ($$)
Grand Opening!
TBD . . .
Phase II: Find the location
*Ideally, a former church with green space and ample parking, near a bus line
*When we reach $8 Million ($4 Million in endowment + $4 Million operational), Purchase property
*Work out any zoning issues
*Hire architect to design renovations
*Hire contractor to begin building and/or remodeling
*Determine updated budget and timeline
*Meanwhile, continue fundraising to build the endowment to a self-sustaining level (Goal: $22 Million)
First Year of Operation
TBD . . .